Here are some tips to enhance safety when engaging in outdoor burning:
1. Check Local Regulations: Always adhere to local ordinances and regulations regarding outdoor burning. These rules can vary widely depending on your location and the time of year.
2. Obtain Permits: In many areas, you need a permit for outdoor burning. Make sure to obtain the necessary permits and follow any guidelines associated with them.
3. Choose Safe Locations: Select an appropriate location for burning, away from buildings, trees, and other flammable materials. Ideally, choose an open area with a non-combustible surface.
4. Prepare the Area: Clear the area around the burn site of dry leaves, grass, and other combustible materials. Create a perimeter around the burn site using rocks or bricks to contain the fire.
5. Weather Conditions: Check weather conditions before burning. Avoid burning on windy days, as embers can easily spread and ignite surrounding materials.
6. Supervise Constantly: Never leave a fire unattended. Stay with the fire at all times until it is completely extinguished.
7. Keep Water and Tools Handy: Have a water source, such as a hose or buckets of water, nearby to extinguish the fire if needed. Shovels, rakes, and other tools can also be useful for controlling the fire.
8. Use Safe Burning Methods: Only burn dry, untreated wood and yard waste. Avoid burning materials that produce toxic fumes or residues.
9. Start Small: Begin with a small fire and gradually add more material as needed. This helps you maintain control over the fire and prevents it from getting too large too quickly.
10. Extinguish Thoroughly: Once you're finished burning, thoroughly extinguish the fire by spreading out the ashes and dousing them with water. Stir the ashes to ensure all embers are extinguished.
Remember, safety should always be the top priority when engaging in outdoor burning. By following these tips and adhering to local regulations, you can help prevent accidents and protect yourself and your community from the dangers of wildfires.
Rice Township Burning Ordinance
Wright Township Burning Restrictions
Wright Township Burning Restrictions Additional